Portfolio Retrospective
Day 2 of our DECADE of REVELRY in PICTURES showcases the GREEN color palette. Green, the color of life, youth, nature, connection and energy is revealed in this set of standout photographs selected from the past 10 years.
Day 3 of our DECADE of REVELRY in PICTURES showcases the YELLOW color palette. Yellow is the brightest color of the visible spectrum, and it is the most noticeable of all colors by the human eye. It means happiness and optimism; it is the color of sun shining, and bright light and creativity. … It is the color of high energy, enthusiasm, and fun. I like fun. Every time I go to work I have fun. :) Check out some of our best yellow-tinted photographs from that past 10 years.
Day 4 of our DECADE in PICTURES showcases the ORANGE color palette. Orange is associated with warmth, sunshine, enthusiasm, creativity, success, happiness, fun, expression, and fascination – all of which can be found in these standout photographs from the past decade. Today, orange is the new black.
Day 5 of our DECADE in PICTURES showcases the RED color palette. RED is associated with ENERGY, strength, passion, desire, and love. Red is a very emotionally intense color. It enhances human metabolism, increases respiration rate and makes me a better photographer when I shoot red things, lol! Also I shoot with Canon cameras and they are legendary for their rendering of RED. Here are some visually striking red images captured during the past 10 years.
Day 6 reflecting back on our DECADE in PICTURES showcases the color PURPLE. Purple is associated with royalty, luxury, power and ambition. Purple also represents wealth, extravagance, creativity, wisdom, grandeur, mystery, and magic. It’s no wonder that one of my featured images captures the magician David Blaine getting electrocuted by ONE MILLION VOLTS of pure purple lighting! PURPLE is also one of the most employed colors in the EVENT world and you’ll see why in these visually striking purple-hued photographs from the past decade.
Note: On October 5, 2012, David Blaine began performing a 73-hour endurance stunt, during which he stood atop a 22-foot high pillar at pier 54 in new york city, surrounded by a system of seven tesla coils. The coils directed an electric discharge of ONE MILLION VOLTS at him for the entire duration of the performance.
One additional note: the first photograph in this series is an image I created for my children Jonah & Eden on the bridal path in Central Park during the final stretch of spring. This image to me is the purest of innocence, and Is one of my favorite photographs of all time.
ENCORE: Day 7 of our DECADE in PICTURES. We’ve gone around the color wheel and shared some truly beautiful photographs from the past decade. The obvious choice to bring this project to conclusion is classic BLACK AND WHITE. Absent of all color, black and white photographs reveal the purest form of imagery. White is associated with light, goodness, innocence and purity. Black is power, elegance, formality and mystery. Together they form a timeless image – perfect for a look back at the past decade. Please drop me a note if you liked this week-long look back at the past decade. It was a fun project!